Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Kingdom Experiment

Why hello there... i am back!!!

After months and months of silence, I've decided to start my own lil experiment...

So I recently bought this book at newsong called 'the kingdom experiment.'
It's basically a book full of ideas you can do for your community, as well as various scriptures to study and talk about..... anndddd... artsy type stuff.

It reads backwards. as in, you must flip it over and start reading it from the back cover.... because ''the kingdom is backwards." quite sneaky.... and witty, i suppose. it also happens to be one of those 'read with a small group type books."

i'm still searching for a small group so in the meantime, i shall blog about it here. :)

YOU will be my small group, whoever you are.
Hopefully you'll get something out of this as well. ^_^

We shall start off with this thought:

"most good things have been said far too many times and just need to be lived." -shane claiborne

1 comment:

  1. Hey Geneva! This is Rachel from the House Studio. Glad to see your going through The Kingdom Experiment. Can't wait to read your future blog posts to see how it goes!
