Sunday, February 14, 2010

14.... my favorite number!

When i was 14 years old, I decided that my favorite number would be 14.
I figured since 7 is a good number... (God's number(?), lucky 7, 7 days in a week, 777)
If I doubled it, it would be twice as good!

[7 + 7 = 14] for all you visual learners... :p

Anyway, today is a 14.... and God is good, really good.
and that's all the love i'd want and ever need.

So Happy 14th of February, loves!

I'll probably blog a lil more later after I finish watching Extreme Makeover on ABC. ^_^

hmm.. what would I like to add to this post?

Ah yes, I received my first valentine's day tulip this evening. :D
I think it's supposed to be pink... but I think it looks a lil orangey-yellow. (my fav!)

Thank you, Boneheads!

(which, in my opinion, isnt such an attractive name for a restaurant.... good food though ^_^)


Since we're on the topic of love... (kinda)
I'd like to share Donald Miller's blog post for today. Click Here to read it.

If you don't recall, Donald Miller wrote "Blue Like Jazz" once upon a time. If you havn't read it yet, do yourself a favor and pick it up the next time you visit a bookstore. It's a good one... one of my favorites, actually. :]

This pretty much sums it up for me:

"Nothing speaks more powerfully than a person who has been set free to do the work he loves. There’s some gospel truth in there somewhere."

Now, aint that true?!?

(yes, I know 'aint' isn't a real word... but i like it ^_^)

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