Thursday, February 11, 2010

Radical or just the TRUTH?

Francis Chan is not your typical preacher. He has no problem saying something that would be uncomfortable for people hear. And usually, when people say something you don't want to hear or believe, there isn't much listening going on. You'd most likely just try to get through the conversation or Sunday service or whatever setting you're in.. in a polite manner, because we're all just trying to be respectful, right? Okay, maybe you'll pick up on a couple of things here and there but in the long run.. the main points will be missing and you'll forget that this conversation (one way/two-way/ whatever way) even happened.

I'm a horrible listener. Or rather, there are a lot of things that I don't like hearing. These things include doing something that would inconvenience me or make me think about "the world." Things that make me realize over and over how blessed, privileged and spoiled I am. Things that would require me to give up myself and do something that I don't feel like doing.

When it comes to hearing things like that, I don't listen. I could have "spiritual highs" in which I am just so full of the Spirit that I try to do everything I possibly could for God, or so I thought.
I could pretend that I have heard from God and am listening to Him for awhile... and maybe fool a couple people into thinking that I do... but at the end of the day, not much was retained.

I'm not going to lie... hearing that from someone you love really sucks. Being told that I am fake and selfish because of my lack of action and commitment... hurts. But it's the truth, isn't it? I've realized that in a way... I was acting like the Pharasees. All talk, no action. I read inspirational books that would maybe put my mind at ease... and only remember the parts in which sounded good to me: he wants to care for you, he hurts when you hurt... etc. But what about caring for the orphans and widows.... the least of these... and love your enemies? Or just.. "Follow me."

But what about when you fail to listen to him? Does Jesus say... "oh that's okay, don't worry about it.. Just do this when you have time or when it is convenient for you."

Thank you, for teaching me a valuable lesson. I'm sorry that it took so long for me to get it.

So the following are some notes from Francis Chan's message from December 6, 2009.

"Beware of Good Liars."

Think about this:

"How much of your beliefs are American and how much of your beliefs are Biblical?"

If you took away all your cultural background and religious background (how you grew up), what would your beliefs look like?

Francis suggests that a lot of what we think about the Bible and scripture is influenced by our culture. But this shouldn't be! We can't just blindly believe what others tell us. We need to be able to study scripture for ourselves and really find the truth!

Francis shared about some of his experiences in India... He recalled talking to someone who was persecuted for their beliefs and says this:

"I get emails from orphans in India who get persecuted say that they are praying for me and my church. The truth is that they probably pray for me more than i pray for them and it disgusts me... They're not asking for money.. just for my heart to give it. They want our brothers in America to care about them. "

Honestly, the people who are being persecuted probably DO pray more than I do for anything. Prayer is REAL for them, not just whenever it is convenient. Hearing Francis talk about that was another stab at my heart... when have i ever cared for someone so much that I am constantly praying for them? Our focus on prayer... do we really believe that it will make a difference? Are we praying because we are so desperately focused on God or are we praying because we feel like it's what we should do? I mean, how real are we when we pray?

Some Hard to Swallow Truths:

2 Peter 2:1-10

*We must change our idea of what a false teacher looks like
"secretly creep in unnoticed"

*the road to Hell is marked Heaven
Paul says the road to destruction is wide.. the road to Heaven is narrow

We must think biblically, not by how our culture teaches you or from own experiences and opinions

The Bible says false teachers will secretly bring DESTRUCTIVE heresies that will ultimately lead you to Hell. They will even deny the master who bought them.

2 corinthians 11:13
"For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ."

What does scripture say about Satan?
-He is angel of light... so his servants would also disguise themselves as a servants of righteousness

Galatians 1:8-9
"But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let that person be under God's curse! As we have already said, so now i say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let that person be under God's curse!"

-Paul is sayin.. "even if i contradict myself and teach u something else... dont believe it! "
we've got to KNOW the gospel...

-Also, I find it's kinda crazy how that statement was repeated. Paul REALLY means what he says. It's so important that we wont just settle for what people tell us.. but to actually study the scripture and to KNOW it for ourselves.

Francis says "Know the Bible for yourself... so you can recall the truth."


1 Corinithans 6:20
"You were BOUGHT with a price therefore glorify God with your bodies."
This is not your own body. Jesus purchased you and now he owns you.

If our [sensual] desires go a certain direction... our theology follows. "In their greed, they will exploit you with false words" This shouldn't be so!

Are you pursuing truth or are you just defending what you want to do?

Alright. That got me. Buddy, you know you're right and I know you're right. I havn't been pursuing God's will for me because frankly, I'm not sure I WANT to hear from Him.
It would actually require me to do something about it... and i'm scared. For a whole bunch of other reasons and excuses... I just havn't done anything about my calling.

So i think for now... maybe I'll just have to obey.. and not think about it too much. Otherwise, I get in the way of myself.


{Here's the biggest lie that has crept in all across America:
A loving God would not send people to Hell.}

2 Peter 2:4-6
"For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them in chains of darkness to be held for judgement...''

2 Peter 2:7 "... and if he rescued Lot, a righteous man, who was distressed by the depraved conduct of the lawless (for that righteous man, living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard)-- if this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trails and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgement."

err... okay, THAT has got to make you think. It made ME think... why am I not constantly sharing Christ's love with others? Why am I still living like this... shut up in my own home and complaining about my laziness and not doing much about it? O dear, i could go on.

Where Francis Chan Stands:

"I believe God CAN and WILL judge. I believe God Almighty has the right to punish as severely as he desires. That's his right as God.

I believe in an eternal place of punishment just as Jesus described in scripture repeatedly that it's an eternal place of punishment in Hell. I believe that anyone who thinks otherwise is wrong. I believe that i am right about this and that you would be wrong about that because I do believe in truth and i do believe in error.

I recognize that this is not the popular stance in the world and i don't care because I look at history and i go 'this is what God has done.' And i believe that there are angels in Hell right now that dared to rebel against God's authority and that's why the are chained up in that darkness.

I believe that there are people headed in that same place because they cared more about their own lust and desires and fulfillment of that than to subject themselves to a Holy God.

As i say that, there is a tremendous sadness in my heart, and i want to be bold to say that because i know there are false teachers who will tell you otherwise.

God knows how to punish and He knows how to rescue. I have to trust that God gave Lot the power to stand so that he knows how to rescue and that he gave Noah the power to stand when no one on earth would listen to him. "

So after all of this... and living in this 'fantasy life' of mine... what do i do next?

I guess I'll find out soon enough.

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