Saturday, February 13, 2010

Prayer Requests

These are some of my current personal prayer requests...

I figured that I should share some of these requests.

It doesnt hurt to have some more people praying. :]

I believe that God answers prayers and the power of prayer.

So if you would like to join me, please... pray. ^_^


Mr. Kiyomura

Many of you don't know who this is... but he's the grandfather of one of my good friends, Chris.

All i know is that there was a medical emergency that happened tonight and he and his family needs prayer. Please pray for peace and comfort for their family as they go through this situation.


Shaunta, Shayla, Bettie & Family / the Navajo Reservation

Bettie and her husband live in Flagstaff and currently are the guardians of Shaunta(12), Shayla(5) and Emillio(4?), some of the Navajo kids that went to our VBS for the past 3 summers. I was Shayla's teacher one year and am currently Shuanta's lil penpal.

Please pray for Bettie's outreach ministry (Somebody Cares!) to the Navajo community in Flagstaff and on the Reservation. They are constantly looking for partners and supporters in their ministry and could use some encouragement as well!

This winter, they've organized a toy/food/clothing drive to bless needy on the Reservation. I recently received a letter from them asking for prayer:

Dear Friends and Loved ones,

We are so grateful for the big big blessing you are to us. We pray the Lord will mightily Bless you for your prayers and support to this ministry. Both Bettie and I have a strong burden to help more hurting children. But in order to do so, we need more partners to help regularly on a monthly basis. We realize how difficult it can be in these hard times, but we know that God WILL NEVER FAIL TO BLESS! Please pray about how you can help. We can't do it without you.

Thank you!

If you would like to help them out financially... let me know. ^_^


Grace Kim - Missions trip to Thailand

I have never met Grace Kim. She is a photographer who's blog I just decided to follow because I was so inspired by her work. In early January, she blogged about going to Thailand to help fight human trafficking. I don't know what I was thinking or feeling at the time, but as a sister in Christ, I wanted to help her out in some way. I remembered trying to raise money for my trip to Beijing was hectic and a bit stressful.. so why not help out a lil.

She'll be in Thailand from March 9th - March 18th.
This is her blog post and Here are her prayer requests:

-Team: Being of close proximity with a group of very different personalities is always a challenge, so patience, love, and grace to understand and work well together

- Wisdom: Fresh and creative ideas for ways to prevent human trafficking

- Networking: God to bring integral people to collaborate with

- Protection: Good health and strength while traveling overseas so I can be as effective as possible

- Heart: See them through Jesus' eyes - basically WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?)

- Impact: Yes it would be great to help one life, but I want to impact as many girls as possible through this trip

If you would like to provide financial support... This is what she wrote to me about that:

Financial Support:

The total amount that we need to raise individually is $1800. All gifts are tax deductible, checks should be made payable to Overlake Christian Church and can be sent to the address below. IMPORTANT NOTE: “Supporters who wish to deduct their support on their taxes must NOT designate this gift to you anywhere on their check” (so basically, don't write my name anywhere on it).

Grace Kim

19311 24th Ave W Ste D

Lynnwood, WA 98036

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

Whether it is in thought, prayer, or money, thank you so much for giving. Know that you have made a huge impression on my heart and you will be in my thoughts during my time in Thailand. I leave you with this simple quote as I wish you for you the abundance of blessings for your generous heart…

“It is in giving that we receive.” - Saint Francis of Assisi



I need more courage. or more faith.

Lately, I've been bombarded with some hard to swallow truths. I have an idea what I could do about it... or should do about it but fear more than anything else paralyzes me and stops me from 'going for it.' I've been keeping myself inside the house for quite awhile now.

I guess what I'm asking is for some sort of refreshing of the spirit.... or a refreshing of the Spirit.

Sorry for being quite vague... but that's all i'm saying right now. I've been at a low.. but I'll get back up soon. :]

That's it for now.

Thank you!

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