Saturday, February 20, 2010


I've recently been watching a new CW show called "Life Unexpected."

I've only seen 2 episodes but I can definitely say that this one is a keeper.

It's about Lux, a 16 year-old girl, who has been pretty much on her own for her whole life. At the beginning of the season, she's been with 7 different foster homes and is looking to get emancipated so that she can live on her own. She's had enough of that 'foster-care life.'

However, in order for her to be on her own, she needs to get some papers signed by her biological parents. Her father lives in a small apartment above a bar that he owns and can be pretty much be considered as a "deadbeat." Her mother, she finds out later, is a popular radio talk show host and is doing rather well.

When Lux and her parents finally meet, Lux realizes that there's potential for her to actually have a family. Her biological mother, Cate, is ready to take her in and figure out how to love her the best she can while the father is just trying to change his life around.

So.. from having no family for 16 years to suddenly having a family, (though far from perfect) Lux is now figuring out her life with Cate and Nate in it.

That's just the gist of what i watched so far but i think it has a lot of good stuff in it.

GRACE. lots of it... GRACE.

It's worth checking out if you have some extra time and want to watch a lil bit of tv. ^_^;;

ANYWAY... just thought i'd throw that one out there.

This post is actually going to be about love, God's love.

And of course, when you think of God's perfect love...
What comes to mind? ah yes, 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8

Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast,
it is not proud.

It is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in evil
but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects, always trusts,
always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails.

Yes yes... very good. Now, the real question is... are WE loving others as Jesus loved us? Are we showing grace to people around us? Have we been patient and kind to our neighbor? Or are we easily angered with our siblings? Our parents?

Reality Love Check: try replacing "love" with your name in those verses.

Geneva is patient, Geneva is kind.
Geneva does not envy, Geneva does not boast,
Geneva is not proud.

Geneva is not self-seeking, Geneva is not easily angered,
Geneva keeps no record of wrongs.

Geneva does not delight in evil
but rejoices with the truth.

Geneva always protects, always trusts,
always hopes, always perseveres.

Geneva never fails.

Oh, ouch. No. I don't quite cut it....
There are still many things I need to work on in my life.

My goal... as a human being.. is to be able to love like THAT. To have that kind of love for others, the kind of love that Jesus has for us.. the same kind of love that we are all called to have.

Love is not just a feeling. Love is a choice.

I will now leave you with a semi-cultural fun song and video :]

thank you, 'valentine's day' soundtrack. hehe

1 comment:

  1. i like ur thinking. i would add that the way we treat people in relationships is how we tend to treat God too. imagine if Jesus bailed on u everytime he didn't get his way or became frustrated with u. sounds ridiculous, which is why I "Love" Paul's definition of love. ;) when it comes to applying it though, especially when talking about soulmates, i can find it hard to swallow because i don't want to hear it. love is patient though. hehe. now you got me thinking. :)
